FENIX Stage around the world: South Korea







FENIX’s team has decided to show our travels throughout the 5 continents in which it is present, through #FENIXaroundtheworld issues. This project begins by telling you where we are now: South Korea.

Hand in hand with our authorized distributor in this country, CN Kosta, we are travelling around the territory demonstrating on site enterprises, the complete compatibility of FENIX’s lifting towers with different brands and models of sound systems commonly used in the area. Here, it is not usual to raise line-arrays, so we are introducing professionals to something that is as innovative as helpful.

We are getting a great welcome from all the local businesses that are embracing us and our demonstrations of the front loading lifting tower AT-05, in its black version, AT-05B, which is much more discreet than its silver version, going unnoticed.


In general, this lifting tower is often used to lift line array systems and trussing, ideal thanks to its medium size, in perfect balance between the dimensions of its working area and its load capacity of up to 250kg. Moreover, it is very compact when it is folded, measuring only 1.76m, greatly facilitating transportation.

We have been only two days in South Korea and we have already donde six shows in different companies with systems of different brands and models. In the first one our AT-05B raised the line-array model M'elody, a product of the prestigious American brand Meyer Sound. The next show was with the i208 of Clair Brothers, and to finish the day, with speakers from a local korean brand.

The second day, the Douglas 8 Musicson was raised before reaching Dray Light to raise again the same sound system. To end this intense couple of days, we did our last show in Kosta CN’s facilities.

After this success and now back in Valencia, we will be soon telling you more adventures of #FENIXaroundtheworld.